Centennial College

Continuing Education Course / Instructor Evaluation

Please read each statement and consider each one individually. Please fill in responses and the bubbles as required.

Course Name/Code



How would you rate your instructor's?

1. Knowledge of subject?

2. Helpfulness?

3. Courtesy and respect for all students?

4. Communication skills?

5. Overall preformance?


6. How would you rate the course materials?

7. How much did the course meet your expectations?

8. How would you rate the course (overall)?

General Information

9. Was the course outline reviewed/explained at the beginning of your course?

10. Would you recommend this course to a friend with your same interests?

Any Other Comments

Thank you! We pay attention to your feedback!
Web: https://secure.centennialcollege.ca/webreg/help.do Email: continuingeducation@centennialcollege.ca.